Monday, March 31, 2008

The Cost of "Life in the 'Burbs"

The link below is to an NPR story about an Atlanta family's choices and how they have effected their cost of living and the environment. A lot of us make choices without considering the environmental impacts. I think this will be the first in a series of posts about lifestyle choices and environmental degradation. I heard this story and thought people in the area might like to hear how Atlanta is referenced in relation to the rest of the country...It's pretty telling.

"Life in the 'Burbs: Heavy Costs for Families, Climate"

Here's another story (you actually have to read this one) about Atlanta's pollution and why it is so bad even when compared to larger cities.

1 comment:

Kip said...


Thanks for the post! It sure is nice to see that some one is out there looking at all the hard work and thought that goes into what we all do. I look forward to keeping up with your blog as well.