Saturday, May 10, 2008

A Good Piece From

I subscribe to the Slate Daily podcast, where they read articles from, and I heard this piece called "Meatless Like Me". The article debunks some myths and stereotypes about people who don't eat meat and tries to make the point that vegetarians are just like everyone else...they just don't eat meat. Here's some examples:
1) Most vegetarians don't think everyone who eats meat is a stupid assholes,
2) Most vegetarians won't try to get you to stop eating meat,
3) Most vegetarians would eat meat if they needed to in order to survive,
4) Most vegetarians don't support the views and actions of PETA,
5) Most vegetarians get all the nutrition they need from a meatless diet, etc, etc, etc,

Many may think these little nuggets would occur to anyone with good common sense, but they do not. There are a lot of misconceptions and stereotypes about people who choose not to eat meat. Lots of smart and otherwise open-minded people wig out when you tell them you don't eat meat and come up with the most retarded questions you could possiblly think to ask. That's why pieces like the one from are important and helpful for people of my persuasion.

Here's a link to the article...